

  • Founders


Pushed allows you to send real-time push notifications to iOs, Android and Desktop devices.

Sometime in 2013 we had a vision: to change the way people interacts with information. We found ourselves wasting time in many ocasions because how the internet ecosystem is built. There are so many things that could be connected but they are not, at least not the way we wanted them to be.

We wanted Pushed to change this by pushing all the information that matters to the user creating interesting connections between services around the world. For example: we were very tired of checking again and again the status of a shipment through the delivery agency site, so one of the applications available on Pushed are different shipment tracking systems that send you a notification every time a change occurs. That is how we came up with our tagline: Be notified when it happens.


Since July 2014

Pushed - iibusiness

The aim of Pushed is to connect everything to the user. We want to change how people consume information by reversing the process: stop pulling and start sending push notifications when it matters!